藥品名稱 drug name | 公費 五合一疫苗 INFANRIX-IPV + HIB/ Pediacel TM(舊名), 嬰護寧五合一疫苗 (白喉、百日咳、破傷風、小兒麻痺及b型流行性感冒嗜血桿菌疫苗) 0.5 mL/vial |
藥檔狀態 | 使用中 (需冷藏) |
成 份 Ingredient | Diphtheria, Tetanus Toxoids, Acellular Pertussis, Poliovirus, and Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine |
單位含量 | 0.5 mL/dose/vial |
Dosage Forms | Injection: 0.5 mL [A 0.5 ml dose contains: diphtheria toxoid not less than 30 IU, tetanus toxoid not less than 40 IU, pertusis toxoid 25 mcg, filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA) 25 mcg, pertactin 8 mcg, Polio virus type 1 (Mahoney) 40 D antigen units, type 2 |
外觀描述 | 針劑/小瓶 |
Appearance | injection/vial |
標 示 outward | |
廠商名稱 Manufacturer | 荷商葛蘭素史克藥廠股份有限公司台灣分公司 |
字 號 Product ID | 衛署菌疫輸字第000702號 |
藥理分類 Pharmacologic Category | Vaccine, Inactivated (Bacterial)/Vaccine, Inactivated (Viral) |
作用機轉 Mechanism of action | Promotes active immunity to diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, and Haemophilus influenza type b by inducing production of specific antibodies and antitoxins. |
用途/適應症 | 五合一疫苗 |
Use |
Active immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, and invasive disease caused by H. influenzae type b in children 6 weeks through 4 years of age.
衛福部核准適用症狀 MOHW approved indications |
Dose |
Deep IM. Primary immunization: 0.5 mL/dose×3 doses usually at 2, 4, and 6 months old; and booster dose given 1yr after 3rd dose.
懷孕分級 Pregnancy Risk Factor |
禁忌症 |
1. 若已知對本疫苗之任何成份產生過敏反應,或先前使用本疫苗(或使用和本疫苗有一或多種相同成份之疫苗)後出現危及生命的反應,則禁止使用本疫苗。 2. 進展中的腦病變 3. 七天內因接種百日咳疫苗(非細胞或全細胞)引發腦病變者 4. 發燒或罹患急性疾病(疫苗接種必須延後)
Contraindications |
Encephalopathy occurring within 7 days of a previous pertussis vaccine not (not attributable to another identifiable cause); progressive neurologic disorders (including infantile spasms, uncontrolled epilepsy, or progressive encephalopathy)
常見副作用 | 注射部位紅腫疼痛、輕微發燒、煩躁不安、倦怠、食慾降低,通常2-3天後會恢復。 |
Common adverse drug reactions | Injection site pain and swelling, mild fever, agitation, fatigue and loss of appetite.Will be restored usually in 2-3 days. |
Adverse Reactions |
>10%: Central nervous system: Irritability (≦54% to 77%; >3 hours: ≦4% to 5%), uncontrolled crying (36% to 60%; >3 hours: ≦2%), lethargy (≦24% to 46%; severe: ≦3%), hypoactivity (≦24% to 46%; severe: ≦3%) Endocrine & metabolic: Increased arm circumference (>5 mm: 34%; >40 mm: <1%) Local: Tenderness at injection site (39% to 56%; severe: 1% to 5%), erythema at injection site (>5 mm: 7% to 17%) Miscellaneous: Fussiness (≦54% to 77%; >3 hours: ≦4% to 5%), fever (≧38°C: 6% to 16%)
1% to 10%: Local: Swelling at injection site (>5 mm: 5% to 10%)
監測 Monitoring |
Monitor for syncope for 15 minutes following administration. If seizure-like activity associated with syncope occurs, maintain patient in supine or Trendelenburg position to reestablish adequate cerebral perfusion.
警語與注意事項 | 請遵照醫師或藥師指示使用;不可口服.111.11.21換廠Infanrix |
Warnings & precautions | |
針劑溶解條件 |
針劑稀釋條件 |
針劑不相容性 |
針劑施打條件 |
針劑保存安定性 |
2-8℃ 冷藏避光儲存。
最近修改日期時間 Updated | 11/21/2022 5:29:22 PM |